
What are micro-controllers?

Micro-controllers are mini devices that can be programmed to operate electronics


TinkerCAD is an online software by AUTODESK which allows us to simulate electronic circuits and also arduino commands and code, making a good place to test out code before implementig it to the protoype

Counting with a single switch

using a single switch to change modes on an arduino

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

Pulse width Modulation also know as PWM for short form is a programmed function to vary the output of an output device such as a dc motor, to contol speed, LED to control brightnes, or heating element to control heat.

PWM works by having short Pulses of signel sent to the output device, turning it on and off rapdily, te longer each pulse the "higher power",(eg. higher speed in a fan"

PWM for dc motor control example

In this example,the osciliscope shows the pulse width of the circuits, the output signal is sent to a transitor, which acts as a "digital switch", to control the DC motor which requires 9 Volts, since running 9V through the arduino would damage it, the transistor is nesscary to handle the 9V

Traffic light (mode switching)